Welcome to Graceview

Sunday Mornings

9am Bible Study (all ages)

10:30am Kids Worship (grades K-5) & Preschool Worship (ages 0-5)

Thursday Nights for kids and teens,  6PM

6pm Big Game Night (Grades k-5)
Thrive (grades 6-12)

Kids Safety:

All kids will be checked-in and given a name tag. Parents will be given a tag that matches their child.

Preschool area will remain locked at all times. Only parents and other authorized persons will be granted access.

All children's teachers and volunteers have completed a criminal history background check.

Kids Page

Student Website

Children's Pastor - Daniel Hobbs, EMAIL

Student Pastor - Bobby Pace, EMAIL

We are God's family, raising up grace-resolute generations, compelled by GRACE to love,

make disciples, and restore lives, by embracing our communities with the gospel.